Using Photofeeler for free
To start a free test, select the Karma option when you are setting up the test.
By giving your opinion (voting) on other people's photos, you earn feedback on your own photo tests.
As a timesaver and to get feedback faster, there's also the option to buy Credits instead of voting.
How Karma works
You earn Karma by voting here.
Your Karma level can be low, medium or high. Every time you submit a vote, you'll notice a progress bar appears on the vote button.
This bar shows you how close you are to reaching the next Karma level.
The more Karma you earn, the more votes you can expect to receive on your own Karma test.
As your own test collects votes, your Karma gets used up, but you can vote again to raise it.
How Credits work
Credits are purchased, and you can not earn them by voting.
Tests using Credits receive votes faster, get a guaranteed number of votes, and allow you to run multiple photo tests at once.
The exchange rate is 1 Credit = 1 Vote.